An Insight

An Insight like no other ;)


Meraki Honey is a small business put simply, but we have big ambitions for the future , and big goals in sight and I mean if it all doesn't work, at least we can't say we never tried! I think the easiest way to give an insight is to tell you everything so... we currently run 300+ hives, we produce mainly Manuka which is sold, business to business mainly. our goal is to sell any pasture honey produced to the consumer though our own personal channels.


While there is no doubt Manuka is the golden goose at the moment and for the foreseeable future, we feel like that we can make the biggest impact in terms adding value to the consumer is not through any of our honey. As by now everyone pretty much knows the benefits of honey over sweeteners, so it somewhat sells it self, but where we think people lack knowledge is in the creator itself... The Bee! As a lot of people have heard over the world the bee is dying and without the bee a lot of other things potentially die with that as well.


So if we are able to educate people on the creator of honey we are able to make a much more significant and important impact than the product itself. This is where we can think we can be different and make an impact outside of the world of honey. This thinking comes back to the reason we started beekeeping. It was not because of the honey bees produced, it was because of the bees themselves. Honey is the reason we are able to do beekeeping, but it is not the reason we are beekeepers.